Pool Maintenance: Getting Your Pool Ready for Winter pt. 1

Closing your pool this winter

As the chilly weather starts to settle in, now is the time to prepare your pool for winter. Properly closing your pool will save you time, money, and headaches when it comes time to open it again in the summer. Learn more about the multi-step process of how to properly close your pool for winter in today’s blog and stay tuned for future installments each week.

Be sure to properly winterize your pool before the cold weather sets in.

Pool Maintenance: Getting Your Pool Ready for Winter pt. 1

Balance your chemicals

The first step in preparing your pool for winter is by balancing the chemicals. You’ll want to do this about 5 days before you shut down your pool completely. Check the pH and adjust to a level between 7.2-7.6. Test the alkalinity and adjust to 80-120 ppm. Finally, tweak the calcium hardness to 180-220 ppm. Once all of these steps have been completed and your pool water is within the correct ranges, you may then proceed to step 2.

Shock your pool

Next you’ll want to shock your pool water using a large amount of chlorine or non-chlorine substitute to eradicate any bacteria that may be present. You’ll want to a product for shocking your pool that contains a minimum of 65% sodium hypochlorite or an equivalent non-chlorine substitute. Use pool water to fill a 5 gallon bucket and then add your shock granules according to the manufacturer’s directions. Then pour the entire contents into your pool while the filtration system is on. Allow your pool water’s chlorine levels to acclimate to a range of 1-3 ppm (which will take a few days) before completing the last step.

Use a winterizing algaecide

Algae can quickly overrun your overwintering pool and cause it to become discolored and smelly so do not neglect to complete this important step. You’ll want to purchase an algaecide that is specifically formulated for winterizing rather than using the formula that you apply during the year as these are much stronger and will be able to prevent algae blooms over the course of the winter. However, be sure that your chlorine levels have returned to between 1-3 ppm, otherwise the algaecide will be completely ineffective.

Build a New Pool and Pay Off Your Bills

With a loan from HFS Financial, you can pay for both your bills and your new pool at the same time! Are you interested in learning more? Contact us today or fill out one of our simple 60-second loan applications!


Pool Maintenance: Getting Your Pool Ready for Winter pt. 1

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