Pool safety should always be taken seriously. Every year, thousands of people get injured from pool-related accidents. Do not let your friends or family members hurt themselves in your backyard this summer. Here are some important safety tips for your outdoor pool.
Limit The Horseplay
Pool accidents usually occur because people are fooling around way too much. When people are having a good time with one another they will often forget that there are safety rules in place. This is especially true with young children. Some common pool rules include no pushing or shoving, no diving in shallow water, no running around the pool, and no heavy splashing.
Discuss Safety Rules With Your Family
If you are the owner of the pool, you are the one who sets the rules. Once you have done so, it is important to sit down with your family and discuss all of your pool rules. If you have young children your rules may be a little stricter. For example, you may want to set a rule that children are not allowed in the pool unless they have adult supervision.
Always Inform Guests Of Safety Rules
Many pool owners like to entertain. That is usually one of the main reasons homeowners like to get pools in the first place. Before you allow guests in your pool, take the time to go over your safety rules with them. If you are hosting a pool party for young children, print out your safety rules and attach it with the invitations. That way your guests are well informed before they come over your house.
Keep Your Pool Safe With The Help of HFS Financial
At HFS, we don’t shy away from anything. We’ll always be ready to get you qualified for that loan, even if you have doubts. We’ll recommend you to some of the best dealers in the industry, too, so there’s no reason you should be afraid of working towards that dream pool or dream spa when you apply for a loan with HFS Financing.
Now is the perfect time to start planning for your new swimming pool, spa or hot tub. Don’t delay; make 2017 the year your swimming vision becomes a reality!
Call 1-800-254-9560. If our team is busy helping another customer, leave a message and we’ll return your call promptly. Or fill out one of our simple 60-second loan application today!