The Door and Window Business’s Guide to Professional Email Communications

door and window business's

Without a doubt, a door and window business’s ability to communicate with its customers is critical. Many conversations may happen in person during an estimate or over the phone. Yet, increasingly, email communications have become a must for many contractors. It lets consumers have another way to contact you while keeping your business top-of-mind to them. Communicating professionally is the key.

Make Your Door and Window Business’s Emails Effective

There are a few simple things you can do to ensure your door and window business’s emails are always professional and valuable to prospective customers.

Create an Interesting Subject Line

Your consumer does not always want to read a sales-like email. That starts with the subject line. Keep it short and to the point. Why are you contacting them? Avoid sales language, so you stay out of the spam folder.

Great Them Personally

Use their first name or appropriate approach to greeting them, such as Mr. and Mrs. Smith. You want them to know that you’re sending this email to them personally, not just to everyone on your list (even if that’s really what you’re doing).

Make the Most of Your Time

Most people only spend a few minutes skimming an email. You need to get to the point fast. Tell them what you need or what you can do for them right away. That may include explaining a new product or sharing insights into why now is the right time to buy. Use some bold headers to help very important information stand out.

How to Keep It Professional

To ensure your door and window business’s emails are taken seriously, write in a professional tone. Don’t include emojis, exclamation points, or lots of colors. You can include graphics, but only when needed, and ensure they remain on-brand. It’s a good idea to avoid controversial topics, too.

Make it easy for the consumer to contact you. Include your name and phone number. Be sure any link to your website is working.

Give Them a Reason to Click, Too

Be sure your email provides something of value to the reader. Then, give them a reason to click on your website. For example, if you know your consumer is in need and likes your product, you may need to give them a financial incentive to make their move. Let them know about your door and window contractor financing offers. That may entice them to visit your website and make a purchase.

When crafting your email, think about what they need and want rather than your goal to close a deal. You may tell them they can click a link to schedule a consultation and estimate with you.

Give Consumers What They Need in Consumer Financing

To win over customers, be sure you’re giving them a reason to click on the link in that email. That includes offering contractor financing. At HFS Financial, we encourage you to offer window and door contractor financing to your customers through our simple-to-use process. We are the experts that can help your customers get the financing they need. Contact us now to learn more by calling 1-800-254-9560 or contact us online. At HFS Financial, “You Dream It, We Finance It.”

The Door and Window Business’s Guide to Professional Email Communications

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