Surviving a Kitchen Remodel With Kids

Kids preparing dough with rolling pin

While parenting is an amazing experience filled with exciting adventures and joy-filled memories, parenting through a major home renovation is a whole different ballgame. Not only will you need to be prepared for a season of lifestyle change, you’ll also need to make sure that the needs of your kids are met and that expectations are set out in advance. Before you start stressing about how to tackle home renovation projects with little ones, let’s start prepping your survivor toolkit with some successful tips to complete a kitchen remodel with kids. 

Let’s learn! 

Believe it or not, your kitchen is full of useful and educational items. When you start working on cleaning out your cabinetry, have your smart little cookies play learning games with all your kitchen accessories. As you remove pots, pans, Tupperware, etc. give them a learning challenge: 

  • Have them sort pots and pans according to size.
  • Ask them to match the lids to Tupperware.
  • Let them sort cutlery into a new drawer organizer.
  • Set them up with a make-shift drum set using wooden spoons and bowls (if you can stand the noise).


Get creative with game play to keep them occupied while you get the real work done.

Painting a Kitchen Masterpiece

If any part of a kitchen remodel is fun, it’s the painting. After you lay down your plastic and painter’s tape to protect your floors, give the kids some paintbrushes and let them go to town on a blank wall with your chosen color. Since you or your subcontractor will be painting over it anyway, it won’t matter what they add to the blank space. Have them practice shapes, letters, numbers, or let them create an entire picture from their imagination. Just be sure to explain you’ll be painting over their work, but that it will always be a special secret only the family knows about. 

Say Goodbye

Once your kids have had a bit of fun, it’s time to say goodbye to your kitchen until the work is almost done. Whether you will have a contractor and workers carrying cabinets, counters, flooring and equipment in and out of your house, or you need space to do the work yourself, having a dedicated space for your kitchen remodel is a must. You also want to have complete safety for your kids. Block off the kitchen entrance(s) with heavy plastic. Not only will it remind your kids to steer clear, it will keep you from constantly cleaning construction dust in the rest of your home.

Instead, set up a makeshift kitchen in another area of your house. At the least, these items will make your season of a kitchen remodel with kids much more bearable. Have easy access to:

  • Bowls, cups, plates, and silverware (real or disposable)
  • A water source for washing
  • A hot plate, Crockpot, microwave, etc., for making snacks and meals
  • A trash receptacle
  • A mini-fridge or your kitchen fridge relocated to your make-shift kitchen
  • A table and chairs — even a child-sized set will do


A kitchen remodel is usually an extended project that is so worth the wait. But it’s even better when you are set up for success. Your relocated mini-kitchen will make your kitchen remodel season with kids so much better.

Eat Out and Give Grace

Surviving a kitchen remodel with kids can have it’s challenges, but you can make it a bit easier on everyone. Factor into your budget eating out. It won’t always be possible to cook and that’s okay — don’t stress! Also, remember to give grace to yourself and your kids. Any home improvement project can come with a bit of chaos, but you’ll get through it together!

Enter Survival Mode with HFS Financial 

If you’re feeling up to the challenge, HFS Financial is ready to be your lifeline! The sensational kitchen of your dreams is just a click away. Apply now for the funding options you need for your kitchen remodel, swimming pool, and more. All you need is 60 seconds to apply, and there’s no effect on your credit score for inquiry. Contact us today! “You Dream It, We Finance It.”

Surviving a Kitchen Remodel With Kids

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