Facebook Marketing Made Easy for Home Improvement Contractors

Facebook Marketing

Home improvement contractors looking for new customers absolutely must be marketing on Facebook. Yes, there are plenty of other good ways to attract people to your business, and all of them have their own level of effectiveness. But Facebook stands in a category all its own. Recent statistics indicate that something like 2.7 billion (yes, billion with a “b”) people use Facebook at least once every month, with nearly 1.8 billion of those logging in every single day. What these staggering numbers mean for your business is that there are a lot of people in your area who use Facebook every day. But how many of them are already your customers?

Follow up question: how many of them do you want to turn into your customers?

It doesn’t matter how you answer that question — Facebook can absolutely help you do it. In fact, the only home improvement contractors who shouldn’t be utilizing Facebook marketing are those who really, really don’t want any new customers. That’s not you.

But if you’re new to the Facebook world, you might find yourself a bit overwhelmed or discouraged about how it all works. However, Facebook marketing can be a relatively easy way for any home improvement contractor to attract a lot of new business on a regular basis. Here are a few key tips make it easy to get started.

Pick your Facebook marketing focus: What do you want to be doing (or selling) more of?

Just as with any other marketing campaign, your Facebook marketing efforts need a clear focus before you can even get started. Can’t decide on a focus? Just go with your gut: what do you want to be doing more of? If you’re really good at building decks, make decks your focus! Showcase them in your regular posts and invite people to inquire about them in your ads.

Keep up your Facebook presence: Show people who you are and what you can do!

Commit to regularly posting new content on your Facebook page — daily if you can manage it. It’s actually easier than you might think! Just snap a quick photo of whatever you’re working on each day. In doing so, you’ll start to build a brand image for your business while also increasing engagement with your content. Facebook likes it when people engage with your content, and will reward you with better positioning on people’s feeds.

Spread the word: Make some ads.

Armed with razor-sharp focus and a commitment to keep up a consistent presence on your page, you’re ready to start creating some ads. If this is your first time running an ad, keep it simple to start off. Set up a simple banner (photo) ad showcasing the incredible work you do, and add a “Call Now” button so people can reach out to you immediately. Just do not forget to set a reasonable geographic target when setting up your ad so that only people in your local area will see it. Facebook can even help you limit your ad to homeowners in your area, providing you with highly strategic ad placement.

To make your first ad more compelling, don’t forget to mention that you offer financing with industry-leading loan terms and low fixed interest rates on all home improvement projects. HFS Financial is here to give you that extra competitive edge. Learn more on our contractor website today! With Facebook and HFS Financial as your partners, you’ll be on your way to great success.

Facebook Marketing Made Easy for Home Improvement Contractors

HFS Financial solely operates in the home improvement lending space which means we can confidently say that we are THE HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN EXPERTS. When you apply at HFS Financial you will get a customized loan experience tailored to ensuring you get the best personal loan to meet your home improvement loan needs.