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3 Documents You Should Always Provide Your Deck and Patio Business Clients

One cold, hard fact of business is that paperwork makes the magic happen. There are documents you should always provide your deck and patio business clients. You deal with permits, contracts, and blueprints to make business possible. And as boring as it is, there are several documents that are absolute necessities when it comes to being a good contractor. But don’t get bogged down by all the paperwork. It’s actually a good thing because, as you know, it protects you and your client. So, what are the 3 documents you should always provide your deck and patio business clients? Let’s talk about it. 

Deck and Patio Builder’s Contract is One of the Documents You Should Always Provide Your Deck and Patio Business Clients

It hopefully goes without saying, but the main document you should always include for your deck and patio business is the contract agreement. You won’t get very far in the business world if you’re not in the practice of painstakingly laying out every detail and expectation for the business relationship between you and your client. But, like we said, this is a good thing. Your contract will protect you in the event that a client becomes dissatisfied or unreasonable. And your client will be protected in the event that you don’t uphold your end of the bargain, which we know would never happen. 

So, prioritize those contract agreements and never, ever build a deck or patio without one. Make sure your contract is thorough and fair. A good contract is worth the time, effort, and money to get it legally correct. 

Deck and Patio Blueprints

Another document that’s pretty important that you should include for your deck and patio clients is the blueprint or construction drawings. Communication is key when it comes to any relationship, including the client-builder relationship. Blueprints are invaluable at communicating the master plan to your client. They also inform the permit office and other subcontractors who may be on the job with you. So, it’s wise to invest time and energy into those construction drawings and then include them in the documents you provide your clients. Blueprints are one of the documents you should always provide your deck and patio business clients.

Documents You Should Always Provide Your Deck and Patio Business Clients: Contractor Financing

And finally, you should always make sure your clients know about your contractor financing. It’s highly probable that a large number of your clients and potential clients will actually need deck financing or patio financing. And it’s your job to let them know their options. Include a flier or pamphlet in your standard paperwork for each client. That way they’re aware that they can have their patio or deck financed by their very own contractor. Knowledge is certainly power, in this case, so you’ll be able to help them connect with the right place to get the right options for funding that they need. With these 3 documents you should always provide your deck and patio business clients, you are well on your way to success.

If you’re not already offering contractor financing for your customers through HFS Financial, there’s no time like the present. Partnering with our expert team can get your clients the funding they need to be just like cash buyers. And the process is super easy for you. Just contact our team today and get started. You can offer the best contractor financing at no cost to you or your business. With HFS Financial, “You Dream It, We Finance It.”

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